Ahhh…That’s better!

Well, Mr. Baby Boy must’ve known how desperate I was to get through my mess today, because he slept for three and a half hours.  🙂  I finished my sorting!  Hooray!!

The results:





 Okay…down deep in the bottom of one of those baskets I found the following items.

Ah, the memories...

Care to guess?  (Hint:  I thought I donated those to a worthy cause a LONG time ago.)

Ivoryhut wins!  Those are the phones we used to text vote for Taylor Hicks—Season 5.  Now that’s love, baby!!!  😉

And while we’re on the subject of Taylor Hicks, what’s with the lightning flash, barely there clip of him on this season’s opening???  Could they BE any ruder?  *PSHAW*  Irks me everytime.

An Overwhelming Task

Well, for someone who loves organization, I’m a terrible organizer.  I tend to let things pile up until the task becomes so overwhelming that I don’t know where to begin, so things just pile up more.  Paperwork is my nemesis.  Receipts, school papers, junkmail…it’s incredible how these things pile up into mountains. 

I’ve attempted over the years to organize.  I hate having piles all over the house, so I bought a basket to capture all the various paperwork.  Well, then the basket looked like this.

So I bought another set of baskets, this time to sort each child’s paperwork as it came in, figuring I would be able to keep up with it then.  Well, now that set of baskets looks like this.

So here I am on this rainy, cold day:

with not only full baskets, but piles that look like this.

You will not see me again today…while the nap happens, the decluttering must happen.  I’ve made a pot of coffee, I have my Lord of the Rings Trilogy cued up, and I’m tackling my nemesis. 


I will win.