Thirty Hours and Counting

My friend Anywho and I are doing something we have never done before.  We are going on a mini-adventure, without husbands or kids. 

We aren’t going far, and we won’t be gone long, but we will be away overnight, and we hardly know what to do with ourselves!!  Leave it to us to be totally obsessed, first and foremost, about where we’re going to eat!   Dreaming of uninterrupted meals, no preparation or dishes, no giving away our best food to our begging darlings.  Then we’re dreaming of drinking wine at every stop since we will have no responsibilities…no driving, no possibilities of a crying child needing us in the night.  I’m dreaming of shopping in the teeny boutiques without a stroller… and no little hands pulling delicates from the shelves or throwing Matchbox cars at the salespeople.  No diaper bag!!!!!  A credit card and license in the pocket is all I’ll need.  Just IMAGINE!!!  And then a night of uninterrupted sleep, and a morning that doesn’t need to begin with the shrieking of Mister at 5:30.  *sigh*  Bliss.

And then comes the reality…we’ll stuff our faces so completely at lunch that we’ll be too full to enjoy a fancy dinner.  And we’ll feel so dizzy after one glass of wine that we’ll be afraid to enjoy another for fear that we’ll end up on a sidestreet passed out somewhere.  And we’ll spend the entire day talking about our kids…and pointing out all the things they would be touching and whining about if they were with us.  And I’ll worry about Mister, if he’s surviving the day without me.  Will he be miserable???  And we won’t be able to sleep well because we are all alone, without the soft, comforting breathing of our families surrounding us.  And we’ll get up in the morning, anxious to get back to the responsibilities we were so anxious to leave behind for a few hours.  *sigh*

I can’t freakin’ wait!!!!  🙂