Where Was God?

Just like many of you, I have had a difficult time processing Friday’s tragedy in Newtown. I have cried, feared, swallowed down moments of panic, reflected, prayed, quietly mourned, held my kids just a little bit longer, and gone to scary places in my mind that must be pushed down and away or the fragile thread that holds Me together could fray and come undone.

I have heard teachers praised and upheld as heroes, and have witnessed the seeds of a new attitude toward teachers sprouted. I have seen people questioning gun control laws, and how we handle the mentally ill in our world. I have seen people question the very existence of God, and I have seen the unforgiving ruthlessness that dares pronounce this tragedy a divine punishment. I have also seen people defending their beliefs in an Almighty and leaning on those for strength. People are quick to say, “What has happened to our society where innocents are slaughtered?”

Have we forgotten? Innocents have been slaughtered throughout time and place…in the great history of Man, this is not a new occurrence. However, it is easy to turn a blind eye when the slaughter is not so close.

The Rwandan Genocide

The Holocaust

The School Attacks in China


School Shootings Around the World

School Shootings in the U.S. (1764-Present)

Mass murder is not new, but our access to news of what is happening all around the world, is. I think of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” But today, we hear of every single fire, every single death toll, and we are given access to the emotional pain of those at the center of the tragedy through internet sites such as Facebook and private blogs. People are exposing their innermost sacred emotions to the public via posts that spread like wildfire, touching not only those personally connected to the suffering, but to outsiders as well. Perhaps it’s not a bad thing to be connected by this thread of empathy and mourning. The circle of support grows ever wider while so does the circle of grief.

And we ask, “Where was God?” when we we see these horrors.

I choose to Believe.

Every single solitary day, I make a choice…to Believe.

I see God in Ann Marie Murphy, whose body was found shielding the children in an apparent attempt to save them.

I see God in Victoria Soto who also died shielding her children.

I see God in the First Responders, the Staff who comforted those left in the moments following the shooting.

I see God in a Nation in Grief, where even hardened hearts mourn the lives of the innocents and question how anyone could commit such an evil act.

I see God in every sunrise, in every “I love you,” in every blessed moment of grace that has come to us “outsiders” that make us recognize our precious gifts, the love of family, and the sacred touch of a child’s hand in ours, the peaceful moments in our own homes, the Gift of an Ordinary Day.

It is easy to question the existence of a God that would “allow” such horrors.

But we forget, God gifted us with Free Will, and He never promised that an Earthly Life would be easy or devoid of sadness. I believe God revels in our joys, and mourns with us in our sorrows. He works His miracles seldomly, and even then through human hands and hearts…what some would call skill, I might call miraculous.

Believe what you will, but don’t let mass suffering shake the foundations of your Faith. Instead, look for the helpers in every bad situation (as Mr. Rogers once said) for they are the evidence of God.

One shooter. One Evil.

Many helpers. Many Angels. There is God.

Adding to the Noise

“And then…all the noise! All the noise, noise, noise, noise!

If there’s one thing I hate…all the noise, noise, noise, noise!

And they’ll shriek, squeak, and squeal racing round on their wheels,

Then dance with jin-tinglers tied onto their heels!”


“They’ll blow their flu-flubers, they’ll bang their tar-tinkers,

They’ll blow their hoo-hoovers, they’ll bang their gar-dinkers!

They’ll beat their trum-tookers, they’ll slam their sloo-slunkers!

They’ll beat their blum-blookers, they’ll wham their hoo-whunkers!”

 – The Grinch (Dr. Seuss)


Do you ever wonder if your simply adding to The Noise?

I have been posting to this blog for nearly five years now.  Recently I’ve been quiet.  I could claim it’s because I have been busy, which I have.  I could claim it’s because I have nothing to say, but I do.  I could claim it’s because my photography has taken a back seat, which it has, and yet that’s not the real reason.

It seems I am simply tired of all the noise.

And I don’t want to add to it.

Who am I to spout my personal opinions?  Who really needs or wants to hear them?

Who am I to teach anyone about photography? I am an Amateur.

Who am I to share things about my family?  Does anyone really care what goes on in my little corner of the world?

Who am I to take readers along on my life journey?  We all have our own to travel.

There’s that well known saying, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

I am wondering if we should be living by the saying, “What happens in your head stays in your head.”

At times I feel like shutting up.

At times I feel like writing a book.

At times I feel like standing on my Soap Box and telling everyone what I REALLY think…about religion, about politics, about education, about social issues, about technology and jobs and God and Purpose.

But who am I to share any of those things?

There are already too many quality Mommy Blogs. And quality Cooking Blogs. And quality Photography Blogs. And quality Renovator Blogs.  And useless  “I-Want-To-Spout-Off-Into-The-Universe-Anything-That-Comes-Into-My-Teeny-Tiny-Close-Minded-Brain” Blogs.  Do I really need to be another one?  A mediocre one at that?

Who really wants to hear it?

Am I simply………………..






Adding to the Noise?



And yet….

And yet….

I think I will continue.

For this is MY place…My memory is stored here.  My joys, My sorrows, some frustrations, My Journey, My evolution as a human being.

And I think I will continue.

Room 12

I am sick. My stomach is gnawing, and I am aching from head to toe. I am tired, but cannot sleep because of the aches that make me shift my body incessantly in an attempt to find a position of relief.

I am upstairs in my bed while the family hangs out downstairs.

I wanted a drink of water. Unsure of whether or not I felt well enough to venture down to get it myself, I opted to wait for someone to check in on my poor pathetic self. And I waited. And I waited. No checkers…no water for wretched and parched me. I wanted to yell, “HELLLOOOO? Is anyone going to check on me? I need a drink! Helllloooo?!”

It brought to mind my visit to the nursing home last week to visit my Memiere. There is a woman across the hall from her…99 years old. Can you believe that?! 99!! There she sits in her chair day after day. Alone. No one comes to check on her outside of normal round times. No one keeps her company. No one. And she waits. And she waits until she can wait no longer. Then she begins calling from her room…

“HELLOOOOO??? Can anybody hear me? Hello? Can someone please help me to the bathroom? Room 12…please. I don’t know how to use the button!! HELLOOOOO??! Can somebody please help me?”

And she waits. Sometimes she waits for so long, and calls for so long that I am tempted to go help her myself. I have gone to let a nurse know that Mrs. H. requires assistance. And I am met with rolling eyes and a “she ALWAYS needs assistance.” I want to shake those disrespectful nurses who have that reaction until their teeth rattle and their eyeballs roll.

99 years…a lifetime. A long lifetime. I can’t help but think…this woman was once spry, active, ran a household, raised children, laughed, danced, celebrated….likely mourned over and over again. And now here she sits, waiting for someone to come along and spend a few precious moments with her…this is her fate? And you dare roll your eyes because this woman asks for bathroom assistance??

I can’t help but wonder if I might have missed a calling. I walk down those halls, and I peer into the rooms and see lifetimes, youths lived, wisdom gained…lessons ripe for the taking. Perhaps there’s a job for me there…”Geriatric Companion.” I’ll sit, I’ll chat, I’ll listen…I’ll smuggle in chocolate and good tea and a pack of chew now and then…and simply be there. I’ll shake the impatient nurses with my words until their teeth rattle and they understand the gift they have been given– to be a force of good in these people’s lives in their most vulnerable days.

To all the wonderful caretakers out there, who do their job with good nature, skill, and grace, protecting the dignity of the beautiful Old Ones, may you be eternally blessed.

Uncommon Grounds

Quite some time ago, I wrote this post about living in Saratoga Springs, NY in the early days of our marriage.  I happened to mention the cafe that I “lived” in while we were there.  It’s name is Uncommon Grounds.  Back 18 or so years ago, coffee houses (cafes) weren’t nearly as prevalent as they are now.  We hadn’t heard of Starbucks (were they around somewhere?) and it was truly a novelty for us 20 somethings to have a place to go where we could sit, drink REALLLLLLY good coffee, eat divine desserts, and chat an evening (or an afternoon…or a morning…) away.

It was a place to go during the summer when I was working on my Masters Degree…I’d claim a table on the sidewalk patio (no easy feat,) and drink iced lattes and do my homework.  Even with the passing crowds, I was able to concentrate on my work, escaping into my head while still being out amongst people.  I hated the isolation of my apartment during those long summer days and this place was my escape.

It was the place to walk to every night after dinner….a destination we newlyweds loved and could take advantage of with only $2.50 in our pockets.  Late night walks always ended with a stop at the cafe (back when I could drink caffeinated coffee at 11:00pm and still sleep!)

It was the place to go with friends, board game in hand on a Friday or Saturday night….long hours were spent drinking cup after cup and the gigantic dictionary in the corner was the perfect reference for those challenging games of Scrabble.

The owner worked the counter back in those days, along with a few staff.  Their menu was limited to coffees, teas, and a variety of desserts–cheesecake and the like.  The coffee was roasted in-house in a gorgeous roasting vat, and I could have drowned in the smell it created.  *sigh*  Slowly, it grew, adding bagels and then breakfast sandwiches to the offerings.  Eventually we saw the owner less and less and the staff grew and grew, and much to our suprise a couple of years ago we were delighted to see (during an impromptu visit) that they had expanded into the next storefront, doubling their size and adding some much needed seating.  Through all the growth and expansion, they have always maintained the quality coffee that made us fall in love with them way back when.  Other cafes have come and gone, but none compare to Uncommon Grounds.

I share all this with you because I was so excited to see that they have a new website!  Not only is there a new blog, but there is also an online store where you can have Uncommon Grounds coffee beans delivered right to your doorstep!!!   Seriously, THE best coffee I’ve ever tasted…do yourself a favor and give it a try.  You won’t be disappointed.  🙂  You’ll find the links over there———————————————————————–>

Now I’m off to order some Italian Roast.  Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Wear the Pants!

Apparently this ad campaign is causing a whole lotta uproar.

I say thank GOD someone has finally grown the balls to say what many of us have been thinking.  And I’m not talking about the salads and lattes part…I’m talking about the chivalry part. 

I speak for myself….I am a strong-willed, strong-minded, independent woman who LOVES having doors opened for me…who loves having my driveway cleared, who appreciates the young man at the grocery store who calls me M’am and offers to walk me to my car when my load is too big….who appreciates a man who bends down and picks up my keys off the ground when I drop them.  I LIKE men….I like STRONG men.  I love my gay men friends who still act chivalrous toward women as a man should.  I’m all for equality in a marriage, the workplace, the family….I’m all for my daughters being strong and independent and not NEEDING a man to open a door for them, but I sure hope they find one who does.  As I raise my son, I find myself saying to him, “You may be the youngest, but someday you’ll be the strongest and it’s going to be your job to look out for your sisters.”  Sometimes I wonder if that is a burden I should impose on him, and then I think, “Damn straight I should be!”  I’m raising a man and I want him to be worthy of that title….to claim his rightful place in this world as protector and provider.  Why do these adjectives equate to “bully” and “brutality” in some people’s minds?  Why do women feel their equality is threatened if a man steps up to the plate and treats them chivalrously?

And by the way…real men CAN drink lattes and eat salads……but they don’t lift their pinky fingers to do it. 

Wear the Pants.