Dennis Quaid Wants Coffee!

So, normally the TV is not mine in the afternoons…there is nothing I care to watch, so Disney Channel or whatever Big Girl wants to watch is background noise to whatever I am doing.  However, yesterday while stuck on the couch with nothing to do but feel sorry for my poor pitiful sick self (I had the stomach bug for anyone not following my Twitter or Facebook) I found myself all alone watching Disney Channel.  Realizing that no one else was watching, I decided to flip channels and see what this wide world of cable had to offer.

I wound up on Ellen, and she was interviewing Dennis Quaid (who seems quite the darling I must say.)  Apparently the last time he was on, they pulled a prank on a local Starbucks and the short clip she shared was hilarious. I found the full version on YouTube, and if you haven’t yet seen it, it’s worth a watch.  🙂  We could all use a chuckle….Especially those of us who didn’t enjoy 72 degree weather today.  *ahem*  ;P

And of course, they pulled another prank yesterday…this time on a delivery guy.  Enjoy!