Strangers…Taking inspiration from Shrew.

So here’s a small sample of my “Stranger Collection.”  You knew that with over 1200 photos, some of them HAD to be sneaky pictures of unsuspecting strangers!  Shrew inspired me to look at my surroundings with a new eye, and boy…people watching took on a whole new meaning! 

I had lots of “walking-the-baby-around-while-he-slept-in-his-stroller” time, while Zan took the girls to the fun stuff.  I decided to use those times as photography moments.

And so, I present to you…

Pointing people.

And lost people.

And tired people.

Of course, costumed people.

And, my favorite–sleeping people.

(Funny enough, I was actually going to take a photo of that sign, but when I pointed my camera at it, I realized that I had a perfect, unsuspecting, sleeping stranger sitting beneath it!  YES!!)

3 thoughts on “Strangers…Taking inspiration from Shrew.

  1. shrewspeaks April 21, 2008 / 1:45 pm

    These are terrific. I wish they were full size. The sleeping guy I think is my favorite.

  2. kanniduba April 21, 2008 / 3:24 pm

    Ask and ye shall receive. 😉

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